That Time We Talked About Homeschooling
In this episode, Craig and Kevin interview Meg Arbour who is a homeschool mom to her four children. There are obviously many different ways to utilize your home. One way many people are utilizing their home is to homeschool their children. Perhaps you already homeschool your children, or are considering the idea. Meg gives some insightful information into what it takes to homeschool your children, and we debunk some of the common myths associated with homeschooling. We hope you enjoy this episode!Our SponsorDroneQuote – if you need a new roof or solar, let DroneQuote take the hassle out of the process and get the quotes you need for you. It’s simple, efficient, and reliable.Meg Arbour – FacebookLesson Plan Ladies – Lesson plans for homeschool curriculaCBD Bookstore – homeschool curriculum